Monday, October 28, 2024

This Basically Seals the Deal: Musk and Government Efficiency

This is just about the only issue I said might change my mind about this election--if the Dems had seriously taken on the debt...or at least the deficit. That might sound like a rather distant possibility, but I was around for Clinton arguing that we should use the "peace dividend" after the fall of the USSR to pay down the debt... I don't trust either party on this issue, but I may trust the Pubs a bit less.
    At any rate: this is extremely important, and the fact that Trump is taking it seriously counts heavily in his favor.
   May I suggest starting by defunding the NEA and NEH? It's chicken feed compared to entitlements (and the military)...but a lot of that money seems to go to leftist ideological projects anyway.
   Just nuke 'em.

The Dems' and Their Propaganda Wing's Hysteria Just Keeps Solidifying My Support for Trump


Bad/incautious/eyebrow-raising talk and good policies beats outright crazy talk and crazy policies.
There's really no reason to fret about this anymore.
I'll never be comfortable voting for Trump.
But he's our only hope of walking back what the Democrats have done, and our only hope of pushing back against the nihilism and cultural suicide-wish of the intellectual left.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

RCP: Trump Favored to Win Popular Vote

Everything's still close. NC is closer than I'd like to see it. But the rolling average has Trump ahead in all three Blue Wall states (or does MN count as one of those too?). Betting market aggregate is at 60-38.
   I have every confidence that we'll get at least one more October Surprise from the blues. I do, however, think that they still have limits beyond which they won't go.
   Chatter is that, if the bad Orange Man wins there will be 14th Amendment challenges from the likes of Mark Elias, and a push to get Harris to refuse certification of the vote.
   Frankly, however, I'm more concerned about a Trump loss than I am about a Harris loss. The freakout would be even worse this time since expectations have been engaged and he's so heavily favored. A large sector of the right holds it as an article of faith that the '20 election was stolen*, and they clearly would simply not accept a loss this time.
   The blues are fanning the flames with constant lawfare, resisting efforts to secure the election and correct voter rolls, and anticipatory announcements about delayed election returns. 

* I still don't buy it exactly...but there are plenty of reasons to be suspicious. The right is full of shit to the extent that it claims we know that the election was stolen. The left is full of shit to the extent that it claims it to have been the "most secure election of all time." In fact--so far as I can tell--it was rife with shenanigans and opportunities for worse. Add to this my view, adopted in the wake of Russiagate, that you can't put anything past the Democrats, and...well...again...I don't have knowledge...but I have my suspicions...

DoJ Refuses to Allow VA to Purge Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

These are people who have identified themselves as non-citizens.
It's getting harder and harder to gerrymander innocent explanations for the blue team's actions.


These people are rabid loons.
They're becoming harder and harder to distinguish from totalitarian leftists.
One characteristic of which, of course, is: all their political enemies are fascists...

The Unhinging of the Democrat Party Part MCVXIII: Michelle Obama: Women Have a Right to Demand that Their Men Vote for Harris

Because Trump is going to take all rights from women and put them in Handmaid's Tale camps and shoot them all with assault rifles and hate speech them and then fire them into space on Elon Musk rockets to another Nazi planet where they will be used for human experimentation.

"Ten more days to end the division between us and the murderous Nazi fascist misogynist authoritarian cannibal heretics who refuse to recognize the sacrament of fourth trimester abortions..."*

* paraphrase

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Is Free Speech the Second-Most-Important Issue to U.S. Voters?

Maybe...kinda sorta.
FIRE's not exactly neutral with respect to the question. And apparently things change when controversial speech is at issue...which...of course and also facepalm.
But anyway.
It should be the number one issue, IMO.

The ME Gets Spicy

I dunno, man.
I just side with Israel.
I don't think they're a particularly good ally, and I think we should give them less money, and squelch (what seems to me to be) their excessive influence over our foreign policy.
But I'm pretty much inveterately on their side in other respects.
I suppose that if I got serious about peeling away the layers of the onion I might find that my view of the region is completely wrong.
But it's not a question I've ever been able to manage any particularly clear insight into. Or at least not the kind that significantly challenges my life-long view of the matter.
I will hate to see all those old F-14s shot down, tho...

Friday, October 25, 2024

Trump is Literally Hitler...Again...

Link for the truly bored.
To repeat myself repeating myself:
[1] They lie about what Trump says even when what he actually said is on video for everyone to see. The left maintained the "very fine people" lie for seven years before Snopes broke ranks and admitted what everyone already knew--or should have known. He was on video saying the exact oppostive of what they said he said. If you believe what his critics say about what Trump says off video...well...that is foolish, IMO.
[1'] Oh and don't forget the "Russia, if you're listening" witticism. Lefties went absolutely batshit about that...even though it was obviously a jokey comment. I STILL see lefties refer to that as part of their "Russian collusion" case/fantasy. Trump's sense of humor is probably the source of a lot of this nonsense.

[2]  Kelly and Goldberg were both involved in the "suckers and losers" lie as well.
[2'] I should say "the 'suckers and losers' probable lie"...but, y'know, I'm just done with these people. I'm done listening patiently to lie after lie about people outside the woke-elitist-blue-team circle of trust, only to eventually find out they were, indeed, lies. IMO Kelly was dishonest in this case at the very least, going along with the general story line that he had claimed to have heard the "suckers" and "losers" utterances himself...but never, so far as I can tell, actually having made that claim. So far as I can tell, Kelly is spreading hearsay but trying to make it sound like something he heard personally. The claim was denied by basically everyone else with Trump on the relevant trip.

[3] Kelly says that Trump said that "Hitler did some good things too."
Kelly says that made roughly the following argument to Trump:
(i) you shouldn't say that
(ii) That everything Hitler did was done, basically, to aim at establishing a totalitarian state, the Final Solution, etc. So "you could argue" that everything he did was evil.

Suppose, as I doubt, that this is true:
[3a] Hitler (or at least the Nazi state) did, in fact, do some good things. The Nazis were environmentalists, and passed some of the first environmental protection laws. They initiated campaigns against smoking and drunk driving. They were health nuts--you'd think that progressives would at least appreciate that... They implemented animal welfare laws. Also the autobahns.
This is just a partial list from memory. I read a lot about the military history of WWII, but not this kind of stuff. So I don't know which of these we can really say that Hitler himself did.
You've got to be delusional to think that everything Hitler ever did was done for evil reasons. Sure, he discouraged smoking...but he did it so there were more people he could kill them...
Kelly's argument that you "could" say that everything Hitler did was aimed at evil is just dumb. It's moral grandstanding. You could say a lot of things. You could say a lot of false things.
[3b] But Kelly's right about this much: you shouldn't say those things. Or, rather: if you do say those things, you're either a Nazi sympathizer or people are going to think you're a Nazi sympathizer. You can praise leftist totalitarian lunatics. You can get away with e.g. praising Mao for dragging China into the 20th Century. You can even get away with praising Stalin. But not Hitler. Not for any reason. No way.
But that's just some kind of superstition or something. The fact is that even terrible people are usually not terrible in every way.
[4] Kelly also alleges that Trump said that he wished he had some generals like Hitler's.
Well, again: you can't say that REEEEE...etc.
But...Hitler did have some excellent generals.

Still, I've gotta agree with Kelly: just don't say that shit. You loon.

But, admittedly, I'm basically done.

I'm done with the TDS crowd. I'm done with the big blue media lie machine. And I'm done with spinning everything Trump says into something it isn't. And this isn't fascism, nor is it some indicator of fascism. This is Trumpian logorhea and contrarianism--to the extent that it's anything at all.
Look, it's not prudent to say anything good about Hitler--but that's basically the end of it.
And we have to choose between (a) a logorhean, contrarian candidate and (b) the big blue lie machine. Which, to be perfectly clear, could be telling the truth in this case. Probably not--but it has happened.
When you add that the Democrats are objectively wrecking the country and will objectively continue to do so if elected...and that they are supported by this massive propaganda machine...

I dunno, man.
I'm just done with these damn people.
(Note: not normal blue-team people. But the apparatchiks and nomenklatura and the vanguard.)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Leftist Doctor Refused to Publish Results of her $10m Study that Found Puberty Blockers Don't Help Children's Mental Health

Yet more woke Lysenkoism.
Their commitment to transing children is political, not scientific.

Trump is Literally Hitler...Again/Still/Whatever

Fool me once, shame on you. 
Fool me--or try to fool me--a hundred times...
...well, you see where I'm going with this...

The October Bribe: Student Loan "Forgiveness"

The Cartier Family Has Had Enough of Kamala Harris

And I'm right there with 'em.
She really is an empty suit.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Michael Goodwin: Pray for Trump to Win in a Landslide

Well, I guess.
   Though even if I were the praying type...and even though I think the alternative is truly terrible...I'm not really sure it's something I'd pray for...
   What would that prayer look like, anyway? 
Dear Baby Jesus,
Please smite the blue team with a red-team landslide so that the nutty bad Orange Man winneth, because fuck those other guys I'm sick of them...
Your Friend,

* Yes, I realize that Goodwin's point isn't really about prayer.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Trump Tangles with the WSJ Editors

Definitely worth a read.
If you can control for Trump's weird speaking style, he actually does a really good job IMO.
Many people who shriek about his relationship with authoritarian leaders like Putin and Xi have no idea how such negotiations should go and would get eaten alive by those guys--or start WWIII. The chattering class thinks it knows everything and can do everything. They have no respect at all for domain-specific practical knowledge of the kind people like Trump bring to bear.
   Of course I, uh, don't know anything about it
   But his approach sounds pretty damn reasonable to me.
   Democrats want him to hate those guys (well, not Xi...that would be raziztz...). Trump seems to try to be as friendly as possible with them while still being tough in negotiations...and leveraging the fact that they think he's a little crazy. I don't know anything about that world either, but, again, sounds reasonable. Adding personal animosity to the picture isn't going to gain us any advantage.
   Noonan asked him about his weirdo fascist-seeming talk about using the military against "the enemy within." Trump says something inscrutable then wanders off into talking about his polling numbers. Noonan refocuses him, and he says that of course he meant that he might have to use them against (leftist) rioters--and that's all he meant. Well, that's what I thought he meant...but the problem is having a Presidential candidate that says unclear things about such things. And gets distracted when asked to clarify. You want someone who won't say such things, and who says, loud and clear, when asked, that he'd never use the military against ordinary, peaceful Americans. Well, that's what one wants...
   He also sounds very reasonable about illegal immigration. We have to deport--true. Unquestionable, in fact. But there will be tough cases and, as he says, "interests of the heart." We won't be able to deport all of them, he says--but as he also says, he can't sound too nice about it or more people will come. Some of the most reasonable things I've heard a candidate--or a President--say in quite some time.
   This puts me in mind of something about tariffs, too: people who don't understand negotiation don't understand that you have to say certain things for the other side. He's even said somewhere that tariff-talk is a threat. That's mostly for China to hear.
   Pretty heartening interview, IMO.

RCP is a Bloodbath for the Blues

Jeez. Harris's national lead (according to the rolling average) down below 1%--and the Dems basically can't win the EC with less than a 3 (4?)-point lead in the popular vote. Trump significantly up in all the swing states, including by 0.2 in WI. Betting odds average is 58-41.
   In '20 I kept saying that a right good thrashing might be the only thing that could save the Dems. I still think that. Or think it again. So, despite my concerns about Trump, I'm basically hoping for a blowout with coattails. Four years--or at least two--of concentrated attempts to dismantle the leftist machine might actually do something.
   And governing Trump is less horrifying by far than campaigning Trump. IMO.
   But, of course, Trump is a gamble. Not a gamble I want to take. But the best one available to us, I think.
   Also but: a lot can happen in three weeks...

Blue-Team Losing Cues

Trump's winning and there are widespread rumors of anger and panic among party Dems. In public, there are other losing cues, like all the finger-pointing and blame-mongering. Black men, white men, old white men, young white men, white women...who is responsible for this travesty???
   Chirpy lefties on Twixxer are whistling past the graveyard by ignoring the disintegrating vehicle all around them. Who should President Harris appoint Attorney General? one representative tweet asked. Well...I'm not sure that's a problem worth solving...comrade...
   I keed, I keed.
   About the latter part...
   None of this goes for sane people voting for Harris. There are a lot of good reasons to vote for the Democrats. Perfectly good policy reasons, for one. Trump for another. None of this goes for those people, to be clear.
   Just for the chattering-class woketariat.
   The left has come up with some woke psychobabble--wokobabble, if you will--explaining how depressed and disaffected young men just sit around playing videogames and being converted to fascism by Joe Rogan all day...
   The right's ready response is: you jackasses hate men. It's obvious. You've injected your misandry into every institution you've taken over--which is just about every institution. They're done with you. And there's basically no puzzle here: more men are voting against the party that hates and disrespects them and for the one that doesn't.
   I think there's probably turth in that, though I've got a long-standing explanation that's different. Dunno who's right. They're not all that incompatible. My hypothesis (stated in a couple of places that I'm not going to look up) was that males have less tolerance for patent, pious bullshit than females do. There's a certain kind of person--who is more typically male--such that exposing them to nonsense like political correctness / woketarianism is like waving a red flag in front of a cartoon bull. This kind of guy is more likely to rebel against religion when he's young, and more likely to lose patience with politically correct pieties more readily as well.
   Jordan Peterson thinks it's because of differences in the "big five" personality traits--especially that women are more "agreeable," on average, than men.
   Anyway, these explanations are basically consistent because woketarianism is pious, totalitarian bullshit and part of it is contempt for men. The contempt is "theorized" (as they love to say) and expressed in typical postpostmodernist/critical-theory-style bullshit terms...and honestly I don't know which I find more contemptable. Well, it's the latter, really. I'd prefer to be in dialog with a rational woman who hates men than an airhead popomo bullshitter.
   Sure seems like what happened is pretty simple:
   The left went bugshit crazy. This didn't matter all that much to partisans, because that's what humans are like. But people not wedded to the blue team tend to be repulsed by their insanity. And those people are somewhat more likely to be male. Because the grip social approval and disapproval have on men is somewhat weaker than it is on women.
   And, a somewhat deeper explanation: the actual doctrines of Woketarianism are more appealing to women because women are more susceptible to appeals to kindness. Including not just reasonable appeals to kindness, but crazy, stupid appeals to kindness. Including crazy, stupid appeals to kindness that are twisted and overextended to the point of cruelty.
   Sane people are looking at what the Democrats have become and seeing it for what it is: madness and cultishness.
   Again: other sane people are thinking Yes, the blue team has gone nuts...but the alternative is Trump...
   Part of all this, IMO, is something I've never quite worked out, but I'm sure someone has. It's something like this: Woketarianism (and, I'd say, a lot of this kind of leftism including even more centrist kinds) involves a slight glitch in the objectivity module. People who think it's important to be evenhanded and fair and not favor yourself or your own group end up going too far in the other direction and actually disliking their own group. Whites--Caucasians is actually a better term--are the only race that doesn't have inordinately positive attitudes about itself. [I could look this evidence up but I'm not going to.] Left-leaning whites actually report more negative opinions of whites--that is, their opinion of white is lower than their opinion of non-whites. They've overshot objectivity and simply latched onto the opposite bias. Non-lefty whites, though, seem to have pretty race-neutral opinions of the races. 
   Perhaps interestingly, some evidence also suggests that men have fairly unbiased views of men and women, but women tend to favor women...
   I suspect this is why the left really hates the center: the center is objectively epistemically superior.
   That last bit is speculation.
   But anyway.
   The left is just lefting. They have a whole worldview now based on a pervasive network of biases, and almost all their "arguments" are accusations of bias. And we know they cannot tolerate people disagreeing with them. So they freak out in the face of disagreement, and cast about for some prejudice that can explain their opponents' appalling beliefs and actions. Only misogyny (racism, white supremacism, colonialism, homo"phobia", "trans""phobia") can possibly explain their evil stupidity!!! They think everyone who disagrees with them is motivated by prejudice and bias...and when people disagree with them, they explain that by accusations of prejudice and bias...
   It's a closed loop of crazy.
   Part of their edifice of crazy involves taking over the institutions that used to act as neutral evaluators of competing cultural and political views--e.g. academia and the news media--and then using those institutions to officially deem their own view correct. Some call this "idea laundering." Opposing views are now officially deemed disinformation, fascism, and all the rest. Not just by the political left, but by the institutions established, you might say, to officially make such judgments.
   This means that, normally, the left would just deem Harris the superior option. Deem her President...
   But we have elections.
   And when they have spoken--when they have told us all what we must do--they expect to be obeyed.
   If the election doesn't go their way, they're going to face a fact that they can't just deem away.
   They hate that shit.
   So, if they do lose, they're going to absolutely lose their damn minds.
   It's really the right that, in 2020, simply refused to accept the outcome. Trump didn't accept it. Wide swaths of the right didn't accept it. It is now an article of faith among many conservatives that the election was stolen. So this doesn't seem to fit my theory so beautifully well...
   There are ad hoc hypotheses I could deploy to try to save it, but that's a dicey game.
   I mean, for one thing, I'm not saying that the other side can't be stupid and big-headed. Right-wing stupidity and pig-headedness does seem to take a different form--just flat-out stupidity and pig-headedness. Sheer Neanderthal refusal to accept wrongness and defeat. Untheorized. Manifesting itself in a spasm of stupidity like the Capitol riot...
   That doesn't mean that the theory of what's going on on the left is wrong. But it doesn't make for such a neat dichotomy, nor such a neat explanation.
   Also, again and of course: Trump.
   That guy, as my dad would have said, would make the Pope cuss.
   Hm. This post seems to be losing coherence...
   I'm not even sure to what extent this point about the right undermines anything I just said about the left.
   Well, insufficient coffee, for one thing.
   Also I'm just making shit up, so there's that...

[Oh, there's also a conspiracy theory flying around the leftosphere now about how Trump is actually losing but conservatives are flooding the poll-o-sphere with right-leaning polls to skew the averages to Trump. This, they say, will then be used as evidence of fraud when he loses. And this will be the excuse for refusing to accept the outcome. So there's that, too.]

[Oh and: of course this is the nightmare scenario: Harris wins and Trump and the fever swamp refuse to accept the loss. Then: January 6th on a massive scale...
A real possibility. And another real reason to vote Dem / vote against Trump.]

[Also relatedly: there's some chatter--perhaps just righty wishful thinking--that Harris has basically given up. She's not doing as many campaign stops as a candidate would normally do at this point. Sometimes she is--allegedly--talking for only a few minutes. One rumor is that she is exhausted. Another is that they know they're not going to win. I report, you decide...]