Vox Conversation with Matt Yglesias: "Have the Past 10 Years of Dem Politics Been a Disaster?"
But the title isn't very descriptive of the discussion.
I have a pretty high opinion of Yglesias. He certainly knows a hundred times more about boring policy shit like zoning than I do. And that stuff is important.
My general disagreement with him remains the same as it's been for a couple of years now: he's one of those guys like Jesse Singal who just can't wrest the blue-tinged spectacles off'n his face. He sort of knows he should. He just can't. I'm glad people like him are trying to move the Dems back from the edge/fringe...but, fundamentally, he still thinks they're generally right. This is basically the position I was in back in the paleo-PC era ca. 1990...and right on through up until 2016. I very explicitly thought to myself: The fact that the PCs/SJWs are insane doesn't mean that I should give up liberalism...or the Democrats.
Well... fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again...as the philosopher says.
My general attitude now is that conservatives are, in the main, less dangerous than the mixture of liberalism and progressivism we find on the left. This is twice in my life now that the American left has fallen for / fallen in behind the insane Orwellian PC left. I may be a slow learner...but I'm not that slow.
A few thoughts:
- Of course this doesn't mean that the red team is all Jefferson and rainbows. Those jackasses are fully capable of the big league stupid.
- I continue to think that reports of Woketarianism's death are greatly exaggerated. The Deep Academy will never let it die. It's not even driven out of the real world yet. It remains a great danger to the nation, even if it's on the run in some ways and some sectors.
- Trump is fully capable of f*cking things up to such a degree that he revives the worst of the loony left. Even if he doesn't, the media will be working overtime for at least the next five years to make it seem that way.
Anyway. In general, good for Yglesias. But, as emerges a couple of times in the discussion, he doesn't quite understand the inherently bad core of progressivism. Tweaks won't fix the thing, IMO.
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