Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Blue Team Insists That The Absurd Bragg Case Against Trump Is A Slam Dunk

The Blue Team echo chamber is strong:
The resistance commentariat insists that Trump is going down. Republican Never Trump lawyer George Conway writes in The Atlantic that Bragg’s case is “kind of perfect.” MSNBC host and former Republican operative Nicole Wallace assures viewers that Trump’s lawyers “bombed” their cross-examination of Cohen. Former Justice Department official Andrew Weissman praises Bragg’s “crackerjack team of experienced attorneys” for building an airtight case.
But missing from this wall-to-wall coverage is any mention of the underlying crime that Trump falsified business records to advance his campaign. And that is a fatal flaw in the case, because New York law stipulates that falsifying business records can only be charged as felonies (as Bragg has done) if it’s done to further another crime. Trump has not been charged with another crime, though Bragg has floated the theory that the business records were falsified to deprive 2016 voters of information about his tryst with Daniels.
There are other flaws as well. Robert Costello, one of the lawyers who worked closely with Cohen at the U.S. Attorney’s Office at the Southern District of New York, testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that his old office declined to prosecute the hush money case against Trump because Cohen was “totally unworthy of belief.”
   As many outside the echo chamber have noted, Bragg might well get a conviction with an NYC jury, but the case will never withstand appeal.
   But the goal is to torpedo Trump's campaign--and it might well do that.
   Unfortunately, also:
Trump already has proven that he will not recognize the results of elections that he doesn’t win. Bragg’s prosecution gives Trump and his supporters a ready-made excuse not to accept the results of the 2024 election should President Joe Biden prevail.
   The wingnut echo chamber is also strong--though not as prominent and well-organized. Comments on various conservative discussion forums vary by the nature of the site, but on some prominent ones (eg Instapundit) it is an article of unshakeable faith that the election was stolen via outright fraud (e.g. printing fake ballots). Especially if Trump remains ahead in the polls, if he loses, they will explode. Many such folk insist that it has been proven that Biden "really" lost the election.
   It's especially nutty given the extensive evidence that the Dems did cheat--not by changing vote totals and the like, but by election rigging: e.g. pumping money illicitly into government GOTV efforts exclusively in Democratic districts (Zuck Bucks and the like), indiscriminate mailing of absentee ballots, illegally ignoring laws about checking and accepting such ballots, courts rewriting election laws, etc.  [Absurd, IMO, because there are sound objections to the election laying right in front of their faces...but they ignore them and blindly believe the outright fraud hypothesis.]
   Trump's attorneys told him that he had to fight these things before the election. But he didn't because he is a lazy dumbass. Instead he let them slide and then shrieked about fake ballots and whatnot after he lost.
   And then there are some prominent cases of refusal to investigate obviously fishy cases as in Fulton County, GA, and Milwaukee... In GA we pretty much know that the rules were not followed. These cases won't add up to enough to swing the election...still, they ought to be investigated, not concealed.


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