Thursday, May 16, 2024

Things I Was Wrong About

An at-least partial (non-chronological) list of somewhat recent dumbassery on my part:
[1] Putin is not going to invade Ukraine.
[2] Trump is not going to try to stay in power if he loses.*
[3] SCOTUS is not going to overturn Roe v. Wade.
[4] Hubert is not ready to Carolina's head coach.
[5] Trump is not going to win.
[6] Trump is going to be a terrible President.
[7] The Democrats are not going to capitulate to the radical pomo prog left.
[8] Rachel Dolezal is going to be the end of transgender madness.
[9] Same-sex marriage is not going to be legal in my lifetime.
[10] If political correctness ever returns, so will New-Agey woo.
*It's not clear [2] counts, as what he did wasn't what the left was claiming, nor what I was denying. He didn't launch a coup, or just refuse to leave, he brough what was, IMO, an at-least minimally plausible legal challenge (the Eastman argument). But still.
   Thinking [1] was idiotic. I didn't know anything about what was going on.
    Also, I changed my mind about [3] after ACB replaced RBG. But, still, before that I just didn't think it would ever happen.
   I was really fond of [10], which I made like 35 years ago. There's been a minor return to woo--e.g. an Astrology fad. UFOs doing really count, as that's sci-fi dumbassery, not New-Age woo (NAW). I think you can reasonably suggest--and I think I have--that social constructionism, especially in conjunction with transanity, has incorporated NAW into political correctness. The idea of a secret gendersoul that only you can access via introspection is pretty wooey...but it's more on the side of pseudoscience than NAW.
   I got some stuff right, too, e.g.:
[A] The Democrat's position on illegal immigration is moving toward open borders. (ca. 2011?)
[B] Russiagate is obviously nonsense.
[C] Biden will be a terrible President.
   Pretty short list...but I could be forgetting something... [B] isn't a predication. But it became obvious by late 2017, when I was still on the Blue Team, and no one I knew (except the one extremely conservative conservative who basically redpilled me) thought it was all true. I still had comments on this blog at the time,* and some commenters claimed that Trump being a "Russian asset" was the only explanation of the facts. That was actually a somewhat common Blue Team refrain at the time. Anyway: not a predication. Just an inference from obvious evidence that no other Dems I knew at the time would admit.
   [C] was obvious, and I argued for it repeatedly. Granted, I underestimated how bad he would be. But I said he'd be bad. Also: he's bad largely for the reason I said he'd be bad: he can't/won't stand up to the crazy leftist wing of his party.
   [B] is obvious by now. But, hey, I say it was obvious then.


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