Thursday, April 04, 2024

The Left is a Slippery Slope: Will Canada Fund Surgery for a Dude Who Wants a "Vagina," but Also Wants to Keep His Penis?

Slippery slope arguments are not always fallacious...and depending on what you're talking about, even arguments that tend to be fallacious in other contexts can be sound.
   Because the left always moves leftward, slippery slope arguments against it turn out to have true conclusions a surprising amount of the time...
   However, they're currently so crazy that even our direst predictions can't quite seem to keep up with them...
It is very important for (K.S.) to have a vagina for her personal interpretation of her gender expression but she also wishes to maintain her penis,” the doctor wrote in a letter to OHIP supporting the request for prior funding approval. “(K.S.) is transfeminine but not completely on the ‘feminine” end of the spectrum (and) for this reason it’s important for her to have a vagina while maintaining a penis.
K.S., as you've probably puzzled out, is a dude.
   There's also this:
“Ultimately OHIP’s interpretation (of a vaginoplasty) is exclusionary and discriminates against nonbinary people on the basis of their gender identity,” Egale said. If there is any ambiguity in what should be publicly covered, it should be resolved in favour of the claimant, they said.
Yeah, so, aside from the fact that this is insane and stupid as shit...there are Canadians out there with cancer... This psychopathic bullshit is already eating up money that could and should be used to address actual medical problems...but here we are... For that matter, there are any number of better uses for this money. Almost any use of the resources would be better than elective sexual mutilation... The idea is that the citizens of Canada should pay for this dude to mangle his genitals....though at least he doesn't want to mangle his d*ck for the purpose of creating a fauxgina... I guess that's something. Less destructive to do it that way, I suppose, than to wreck his penis for the purpose. Though...probably humanity would be better off if this guy doesn't reproduce...
   Anyway, why stop with one? Why not a penis and two "vaginas"? Or three? 
   Slippery slope reasoning is basically the only chance we have to trying to keep up with the madness of the left...


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