Thursday, January 11, 2024

Trump Goes All Birther Again--This Time on Haley

Trump is freaking bipolar. And bad Trump is very, very bad.
And stupid. 
Making accusations like this that aren't going anywhere just reminds everybody how mean-spirited and stupid he can be.
It also opens him up to more plausible versions of the left's ceaseless mantra, directed everywhere, and at everyone to their right--like some kind of crack-brained parrot, they can't seem to stop repeated that's RAY-cist...that's RAY-cist...that's RAY-cist...
Ted Cruz is a really white whiteboy, and Trump tried the same shit against him.
He famously tried it against Obama...but there was a history of genuine reason for doubt in that case (see e.g.: the famous book jacket blurb.)
It's not racist. It's just stupid.
Or, well. Who knows what's in what passes for Trump's mind... I don't doubt that there are some racist attitudes flying around in there. But that just makes him similar to most humans.
Another stupid aspect of the situation: Trump apparently got this dumbass idea from The Gateway Pundit. Now, TGP did, at one point, seem to hit a stride such that it wasn't issuing pure-D dumbass misinformation. But that seemed to me to be an anomaly. TGP has a history of being the stupidest of the stupid...among the most feverish denizens of the wingnut fever swamp.

Trump continues to make himself look unacceptable...even as compared to [Democrat to be named later]... And that ain't easy to do.


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