Saturday, January 06, 2024

January 6th and How the Press Became the Enemy of the People

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I basically think this is right.
   To be clear: many on the left say that Trump (legally) incited the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 with his speech at the Elipse. That's just another anti-Trump lie. The problem is not that. The problem is that Trump lost his shit after the election, believed or pretended to believe a bunch of crazy shit, said that shit over and over, and laid the groundwork for the riot and widespread distrust of elections.
   And I don't think someone who would do such a thing should ever be even considered for the Presidency.
   But, to play the broken record again: we'll be faced with a comparative decision in November. And the other side is still, IMO, worse. 
   The progressive left in general--and especially academia and the media--did the same thing and more of it in 2020. It laid the groundwork for--even ignoring everything else--the BLM/Antifa riots that cost at least $2 billion in damage and caused dozens of deaths at least. They set the stage by relentlessly pushing the lie that police are wantonly mass-murdering blacks in the streets of America. They promulgated lies about the Trayvon Martin case, the Michael Brown case, and the George Floyd case. They laid the groundwork for increased racial division, the corruption of the justice system, and the riots. And they are continuing to do so. Conservatives have not, IMO, been chagrined enough by the Capitol riot--but at least they haven't generally approved of it. OTOH, the left did generally defend / semi-approve-of the Floyd riots. Then the riots themselves were used to further the same insane agenda that has caused them. My university, for example, has undertaken sweeping changes--an "Equity Initiative"--and, when you look for justification, there is little more than an assertion that...people wanted sweeping changes after the Floyd incident. Voila! Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a justificatory rabbit out of my descriptive hat!
  I've argued in the past that the Floyd riots were at least comparable to the Capitol riot--they certainly caused more damage and death. Though of course they weren't as bad symbolically. And many have noted that, if the 1/6 riot was an insurrection, then so were at least many of the Floyd riots. 
   Stone also points out something that hadn't dawned on me: in '20 leftists set up "autonomous zones" in American cities, declaring them no longer part of the USA. That's far more insurrectiony than the Capitol riot. 
   And, of course: the Floyd rioters were generally treated with kid gloves, while the Capitol rioters have been relentlessly hunted down and prosecuted, often for absurd charges like "parading." (And, again: roughly comparable things happened on the left during the Kavanaugh hearings.)
   And there are still approving references to BLM everywhere on my campus...
   Anyway. I'm not so much defending Trump and the Capitol riot retards. 
   Rather, I'm arguing that the two sides are at least comparably bad. One way in which the left is more dangerous is that it pervades our institutions now, and controls the media "narrative." Given a choice between a loony Trumpian outsider hostile to the insane ruling faction, or a malleable, semi-senile, Bidenian puppet of that faction...well, I guess I'll have to go with the nauseating as that is to me.


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