Tuesday, January 02, 2024

How Tax-Exempt Nonprofits Skirt U.S. Law to Turn Out the Democrat Base in Elections

Not only are these organizations tax-exempt, many receive federal grant money. Universities are a good example.
That means that people like me, now very much opposed to the Democrat agenda, are paying tax money that is then used to help elect Dems and enact their agenda.
It also, of course, gives Democrats in government an incentive to send more tax dollars to these organizations.
Me, I'm against most GOTV campaigns anyway. I mean, of course parties are going to conduct them, and that's whatever. But the kinds of campaigns conducted by universities and (other) nonprofits seem to me to encourage more participation by lower-information voters. Most of these people seem to me to have no f*cking clue what they're voting for or against. Anyone who has to basically be badgered into voting probably doesn't care about politics and/so doesn't know anything about it. As I've said many times, I don't think it's your civic duty to vote. In fact, I think its your civic duty not to vote if you don't know what the hell is going on. Though I do think it's your civic duty to know what's going on...


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