Tuesday, May 09, 2023

PITT: Letter to an NYT Columnist

Shit is horrifying and I don't even have kids.
So many of these stories are so consistent--and the really chilling part is the instant "affirmation" by doctors. 
The whole thing is so transparently insane. It's hard to believe that so many people--and people like doctors who are supposed to be quasi-scientists--fell so hard so fast for such patent pseudoscience. In fact, the whole gender ideology thing smacks of superstition or supernaturalism. You have to have a completely nonfunctional bullshit-detector to believe such a story. 
Even just the willingness to believe such patent absurdities is difficult to fathom. But when conjoined with the fact that this pseudoscience is causing people--again, including doctors--to sexually mutilate children...my God... You'd think that at least that part would slap some sense into people.
Just creepy as hell.
What are progressives going to do in ten years when the spell is broken? They won't full fess up, I'm sure. I'm sure there'll be a lot of people saying things like "Well, I didn't really believe it.." But that will raise the question: "So...you knew kids were being, in effect, brainwashed and sexually abused...but you didn't say anything?" I very much doubt that there will be an open "trans" "reckoning"... Progressives are not going to admit that the weight of their whole faction was thrown behind such madness... But, especially in the age of the internet, I'm not sure how they're going to wriggle out of it... Maybe the left will have such control of the net by then that they'll scrub it of evidence? That seems impossible...


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