Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Rolling Stone: Dylan Mulvaney One Year Into Girlhood [sic]

Actually, it's his zeroeth day of girlhood, as it will always be:
ON A STORMY Monday night in New York City, a girl man in a massive pink ballgown appears at the top of a spiral staircase. “Hi everyone!” she he calls as the audience below her him erupts into ecstatic applause. Her His friends fill in dozens of rows, her his father is front and center. For the next hour and change, she he will sing, dance, cry, have multiple costume changes, and be held by a family that has chosen her him again and again. It’s not her his wedding. Or her his birthday. The girl man is ["]trans["]-TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney — and it’s her his 365th 0th day of being a girl.
   For the zillionth time: guys want to wear dresses and generally be feminine--even over-the-top feminine--that's their business. It's all pretty simple: sex and gender--actual gender, i.e. masculinity and femininity--don't necessarily go together. So if you're a girl but prefer to be masculine, knock yourself out. You've got no obligation to wear the clothes other people expect you to wear. But man and woman are not gender concepts, they're natural kinds--species/sex/age kinds. Women are adult female humans, as everyone has known from the beginning. If Mulvaney were merely bucking sex-specific clothing conventions, I'd be on his side--though I may not think it's the best choice aesthetically... But, instead of taking that reasonable and obvious route, transgenderism takes the opposite, the very least plausible, the most obviously false possible route: men can't wear women's clothes, because a woman is a human that wears women's clothes. The link between womanhood and dresses is a necessary one. By definition, to be a woman is to wear women's clothes... So long as you're fine with circular definitions...and a complete disregard for can go that route instead...
   In a way this is an experiment--or a case study in one of the central tenets of the postpostmodern progressive left. And the hypothesis is: if you just keep saying something over and over and over again, you can make people think it's true. And, according to the pomo-prog left, there's no difference between everyone thinking something is true and its being true...


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