Sunday, March 05, 2023

PC COVID: When the Grauniad Admits a Lab-Leak is a Real Possibility, the Official Progressive Storyline is on the Way Out

This is my favorite bit:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the search for the origin of the virus has been distorted by politics on many fronts: from China’s restrictions on the release of scientific information and refusal to cooperate with international investigations, to former president Donald Trump’s “China virus” and “kung flu” slurs, to the unfounded and continued branding of the lab-leak hypothesis as a fringe conspiracy theory by influential news organizations and high-profile scientists – including some with financial and research ties to the Wuhan labs at the center of the lab-leak hypothesis.
So let's get this straight, shall we?:

It's bothsides, of course!... Because the only two options are: (a) entirely the fault of the right and (b) hey, well, y'know, this is really bothsides, isn't it?...

...with the left and its friends, allies and heroes doing the following:

Left and buddies:
Refused to release scientific information
Refused to cooperate with international investigations

U.S. progressive/elite establishment (e.g. media, scientists)
Brand LLH a "fringe conspiracy theory"
[Oh and uh..censored discussion of it...branded those who did discuss it racist...weird to stop with this radically short and incomplete list...]
 And on the other side:

Trump said 'Kung Flu' once. Oh and 'China Virus.' 

So, y'know...bothsides...

The massive, well-funded, massively influential U.S. progressive/elite establishment--"including some with financial and research ties to the Wuhan labs at the center of the lab-leak hypothesis"--engages in a full-court press to brand LLH some kind of crackpot racist conspiracy theory, censors it, banning the mere suggestion that it might be true for social media, spewing disinformation about it for three years...

...but Trump said. 'China virus.'
Which, incidentally, is a perfectly legitimate way to refer to the thing.
Because it comes from China

Though I prefer 'Wuhan virus.' 
(Listen to the parade of strawmen by the hysterical reporter prior to Trump's response, incidentally. It's a hoot.)
   "Kung Flu" is a joke, incidentally. Maybe you think it's in poor taste. But IDGAF what you think about it, you'd have to be outright insane to think that it constitutes some kind of counterbalance to the left's madness and lies about all this.
   As I've written before, it tells you a lot about the contemporary PC left that, as the virus was initially sweeping across the globe, lefties were hysterically shrieking about how RAZZZIZZZT it was to....use ordinary, long-established naming conventions to determine how to refer to the thing... According to which it should be called what it was originally called: Wuhan virus.
   Finally, because this is so idiotic I'm actually getting mad about it: there is no possible way, no matter how you look at it, that any even vaguely sane person can think that 'China virus' is a "slur." You would have to be actually insane to think that.


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