Saturday, March 04, 2023

McSweeney's Kinda Sorta Criticizes the Left

...and when the left kinda sorta loses McSweeney's...
Obviously the censorship of Roald Dahl is coming from the left. Because it is. And because that's basically where all the censorship comes from these days.
Unless you count taking PC groomer pr0n out of grade schools, of course...

So actually: McSweeny's did criticize the left. 
Though of course they didn't say that explicitly. 
And, of course, they did say this:
At the moment, the right wing of the US is censoring books. They are fighting to keep non-white and LGBTQ+ narratives from kids. They are pulling books from shelves. They are villainizing teachers and librarians.
You are no better than these right-wing assholes.
This is one version of the only allowable criticism of the left: what you did is like the right!
Also there's the Holy Alphanumeric+ string in there...minus the '2'. WHERE'S THE '2' YOU FUCKING BIGOTS???????
Oh and: no. It is not true that "The problem with censorship is that it has no end." That's not the problem at all. Even censorship with a clear and definite end is wrong. It's wrong when the left does it, even! And not just because the right might someday do it to. You morons.

   The fact that McSweeny's would never consider actually making direct fun of anything of consequence on the left is a testament to the strength of progressive groupthink and political correctness. Imagine some Christian sect had declared that men could become women on account of the illimitable power of God...and that He could even make them women in their essence without making them women in their accidents. Gender transubstantiation. McSweeney' fact, the entire MSM+...would never, ever, ever stop viciously, mercilessly ridiculing the idea. As well they shouldn't.
  But. despite the objective ridiculousness of basically everything on the contemporary progressive left...hysterical climate apocalypticism, ceaseless, indiscriminate accusations of every imaginable -ism and -phobia, feminist glaciology, gender mysticism, drag queen story hour and all the rest...and despite the fact that McSweeney's exists basically to ridicule the ridiculous...all the sacred bull remains ungored.
   McSweeny's is a hitter. And the progressive left just keeps giving them slow, fat, juicy pitches right down the middle...and they just keep striking out watching. 
   That's how profound is the political correctness, fear and solidarity on the contemporary left.
   Which is why the Babylon Bee is funnier now than any of the ideologically captured former iconoclasts of the left. Looking at you, The Onion...


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