Monday, January 09, 2023

Andy Kessler: The Voting Bloc Against Bossiness

Incidentally, 'bossy' and its variants were declared "misogynistic" a few years back... Of course the left issues these proclamations on the thinnest, most implausible pretexts, and they frequently get bored and forget about them, or just outright change them. In the paleo-PC era, 'black' used to describe black people was declared politically incorrect. That one seeped out of universities into the media...saying "black" was verboten. That lasted for quite a long time--maybe as many as ten years...but eventually it faded away. Now we're not only supposed to use it, but we're supposed to capitalize it--and, of course, not capitalize 'white.' In my youth, 'colored people' was still a polite term. 'Person of color' was a phrase I only ever heard once in my early life, in high school, as a slightly jokey/derogatory way of referring to a black kid. Now, of course, 'colored person' might as well be the n-bomb...which nonblacks must not only not say but not mention, either! (Oblique reference is, apparently, still ok...but for how long? Perhaps the next diktat will be: nonblacks are not permitted to even indicate / reveal knowlege of the existence of the word...)  "Persons of color" is now virtually mandatory...though the left's fashions change quickly, and it may be in the process of replacement by "BIPOC," a ridiculous term. But ridiculous may be part of the point: one way you demonstrate your allegiance / submission to the left is by believing (or pretending to believe) absurdities. Another way is by using absurd terminology.
blah blah blah


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