Tuesday, September 27, 2022

" " " GOP Redoubles Efforts To Tie Democrats To High Crime Rates" " "

Three sets of scare quotes required for this piece of progressive fanfic. 
Jeez. Did I used to fall for stuff like this? I do realize that the contemporary Dems are continuous with the Dems of back when I voted for them...but Clinton (B) had tamped down the Dems' pro-crime tendencies...hadn't he? 
I mean, for purposes of elections, it's good that the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party Extended, including, of course, the MSM, refuse to acknowledge that it's the Democrats who are tying Democrats to high crime rates... 
But for purposes of governing, one does hope that the Dems come to their senses...or, at least, that enough sane and liberal Dems abandon the blue ship of fools.
As usual, one thing that really stands out to me--unrepresented in ordinary discussions like this one--is that the progressive/Democrat vanguard is not just insufficiently anti-crime, it is pro-crime. The aim is the destruction of the status quo. Of course the average progressive in the street does not share that view. But the vanguard leads them along with softer versions of the view that emphasize false claims about police racism and violence, squishy claims about "mass incarceration," and other such bleeding-heart appeals. But both versions of the story lead to perdition.
So long as the middlebrow left can be got to oppose x merely by asserting that it's racist, the left is doomed to effective insanity. 


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