Sunday, September 18, 2022

Librarians Against Institutional Neutrality

This is the kind of person and the kind of reasoning we're up against.
What it really comes down to is that progressivism is a soft totalitarianism. They eagerly stampede to the claim that neutrality and objectivity are impossible, and they do so because progressivism is simply opposed to neutrality and objectivity. They aim--as what passes for them as a matter of principle--to inject their cultish secular religion into every nook and cranny of society. They are antiliberal, and one thing that makes them antiliberal is their rejection of a private sphere--the personal is political. They are the political Borg. (In fact a leftist friend of mine made fun of the Borg when they were first introduced, saying (and I quote): "As if losing your individuality is the worst thing that can happen to you.") 
What progressivism aims at is progressive politics permeating every endeavor, every relationship, ever topic of conversation--everything human.


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