Tuesday, August 02, 2022

F*ck the CCP

I don't know what to say about all this. We obviously can't let the psychotic CCP tell us where the Speaker of the House can and can't go.. So now we're committed...or so it seems to a layperson. 
Of course I have no idea what's really going on. I'm looking for reliable China experts to read. Few of us deserve an opinion on this...and I probably won't deserve one no matter how much I can read between now and Pelosi landing in Taipei...
As at least one commenter at WSJ noted: obviously we can't let this interfere with the main mission of the U.S. military: addressing climate change. No, wait...more importantly: getting everyone's "preferred pronouns" displayed on their uniforms. No, wait...is indoctrinating troops with CRT race-communist propaganda more or less important than that? Well, anyway. We certainly can't let a pronoun gap open up with between us and the CCP! If they xey sense weakness, we zyrm are done for!


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