Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Noncitizen Voting

My view on this hasn't changed: it seems crazy.
OTOH, it was allowed in various parts of the U.S. from the inception of the Republic up into, apparently, the early 20th century. So that matters. 
A response: the reason it was legal was, apparently, in order to encourage immigration--something we no longer need to do. To say the least.
The vanguard of the left wants to destroy--sorry: "dismantle"--all nations. Especially the USA. (Though maybe not China...) Rank-and-file progressives normally don't explicitly share that goal. But they're brought to, in effect, support it via ad miseracordium arguments applied ad nauseam: aw, be nice. It's just not fair that citizens get to vote and noncitizens don't! How do you think that makes them feeeel? It's privilege!!! The point of the battle on this front is to progressively erode the difference between citizens and noncitizens--thus destroying the distinction between them.


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