Thursday, December 16, 2021

Global Warming Did Not Cause Last Week's Tornados

I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that winter tornadoes will not be "ninefold" more powerful...
   It's getting to the point that you're probably better off listening to a jackass like me than "climate scientists." What the hell ever happened to 'climatology' anyway? That's a perfectly cromulent word. "Climate science" sounds like its trying too hard. Like '-ology' isn't 'science'y enough or something. 
   We shouldn't actually be talking in terms of single causes in such cases anyway, but in terms of the comparative influence of different causal factors. Climate change may be in the mix in the sense that a slightly cooler planet might have, say, fewer tornadoes, or less-powerful winter tornadoes, or whatever. It's possible. But, at this point, some study or other saying some such thing or other is basically no reason to think any such thing is so.


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