Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Biden Admin Wants To Force The School* Of The Ozarks To Put Men In Women's Dorms

Forced integration of public (and in this case private) facilities is one of the main aims of "transgender" ideology. It works via the PC terminological two-step:
[1] We decree the normal way of speaking, W1 to be bigoted; you must replace it with the approved, politically correct, new way of speaking, W2, that we just made up. They're just words, bigot. It's just about politeness and people's feelings. Why are you so resistant to way of speaking W2?
[2] We all agree that W2 is accurate and W1 is antiquated and bigoted--you agree as is shown by your acquiescence to W2. Now we must implement new policies and reengineer society in accordance with W2. Too late to object, bigot. Language creates reality.
Why won't you say that men in dresses are women? It's about their feelings. It's just words. Call them "transwomen," bigot! admit they're women...well then, if you're a straight man or a lesbian, you must treat them as potential sexual partners. Also, you must let them into restrooms and locker rooms with your wives and daughters. I mean, they're women! You already admitted it!
   Sometimes linguistic changes are mere linguistic changes. But that's never the way it is with the PC left. They always have social re-creation in mind.

*It's College of the Ozarks now. It'll take me a little while to get used to that.


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