Friday, August 13, 2021

U.S. Saw 2-Decade High In Border-Crossings In July

For all Trump's crackpottery, he probably didn't do anything that harmed the nation as much as even just this one, single policy disaster.
Each illegal alien who enters the U.S. seems to cost the nation about $8k/year just in terms of dollars. (FAIR's estimate--might be high.) That's not including the additional burden/danger associated with COVID. The financial cost isn't the main cost, of course. Not even close. 
Imagine that a faction were trying to destroy the country without overtly blowing things up or launching a coup. How many tactics would be more effective than opening the border to a flood of illegal, mostly-poor, unassimilated immigrants? Especially ones who don't speak the language and don't necessarily share the politically-relevant dispositions of the populace? And, icing on the cake: during a pandemic. And: refusing to test them. And: then distributing them around the country.
We have an extremely generous legal immigration system. Almost certainly too generous. But the progressive Dems refuse to even operate within the bounds of that system. 
If you think it's a coincidence that many among their intellectual vanguard are open about wanting to re-engineer and/or destroy the U.S....well, you're probably wrong is what.
Of course, raising objections to this madness means that you're an anti-immigrant, racist, xenophobic "white supremacist"... When in fact you're just sane.


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