Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The American Left Wants The End Of America

The vanguard of the progressive left hates America with a fiery passion--unsurprising, given that they're mostly some kind of Marxist or other. Rank-and-file progressives disdain America, but many don't overtly hate it, nor want it to become a subsidiary of China, nor be subsumed under a world government. When I was younger, conservatives commonly accused liberals of hating America, and I thought that was unfair. But today's left is not yesterday's left. Hatred of America, like hatred of whites and men--straight men, anyway--now seems disappointingly common on the other side of the aisle.
   Here are some depressing numbers:
   Most importantly, it is evident that mainstream professional liberals have made a political decision to assert that American institutions themselves are “systemically” or “structurally racist.” This attitude has consequences, because it devalues both our culture and our people. It cannot help but undermine patriotic attachments among liberal elites, activists, and rank-and-file citizens.
   The political scientist Eric Kaufmann conducted a revealing quantitative survey of liberal attitudes toward America in May 2020, just before the George Floyd incident. People who described themselves as either “liberal” or “very liberal” on a five-point scale (from “very liberal” to “very conservative”) were asked questions about American national identity. Seventy-nine percent of “very liberals” (which comprised 40% of all liberals) and 70% of the just plain liberals favored replacing our Constitution.
   Fifty-eight percent of “very liberal” respondents, and 44% of plain liberals, supported removing the “four white male presidents at Mount Rushmore, as they presided over the conquest of Native people and the repression of women and minorities.” Significantly, 41% of very liberals and 33% of plain liberals would “move, after an open public process, to a new name for our country that better reflects…our diversity as a people.”
   As discussed above, both components of the American nation-state—the sovereignty of the state in its relations with other nations and with global entities, and the normative attributes of the nation, our culture, people, history and mores—are unappealing to progressive liberals. Political thinkers from Plato and Aristotle to Montesquieu and the American Founders have long explained that an emotional attachment to one’s political community is necessary for its survival.
   This fundamental truth is explicitly stated by James Madison in Federalist #49 and George Washington in his Farewell Address. Republican self-government, American constitutional democracy cannot survive in the long run if large sections among both its elites and general citizenry denigrate the core principles, symbols, and cultural mores of the nation itself.
   The argument is made that progressive liberals are the true patriots because they call upon Americans to live up to our founding principles of liberty and equality. This is a lie—it requires reinterpreting our “founding principles” to mean equality of outcomes for racial and gender groups. “Our ideals” are re-engineered to fit radical utopian theories about “systemic racism” and “institutional sexism.” These are the ideals not of American culture and history—of the founders and Lincoln—but of a vaguely formulated race-and-gender-focused neo-Marxism.
   American liberalism has lost its bearings. Unless there is a major course correction it will, for the foreseeable future, constitute a major regime challenge to our republican self-government and our American way of life.

Here's a solution that's infinitely better than trying to replace the Constitution: go somewhere else. Seriously. People like me aren't going to let you get away with replacing the Constitution. That's tantamount to destroying the nation. So just figure out where it is that you think is so much better than the U.S. and go there. You'll be happier, we'll be happier--it's win-win. Believe me--an attempt to replace the Constitution will not go well for you.


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