Monday, June 28, 2021

Your Blue Future: Dodge Street, San Francisco Edition

At some point, a completely lawless state becomes preferable to this. What progressivism is working toward is a bifurcated justice system in which the Holy Downtrodden can do whatever they want with no fear of punishment, and people like you and me will be punished to the fullest extent of the law if we so much as raise a finger in our defense. Violent mobs are fine--Kyle Rittenhouses are not. I guess the new tech Masters of the Universe and other gazillionaires will always be able to pay off the system. But who knows? Speaking of the MoUs...maybe we'll have an actual Bonfire of the Vanities "moment"... Wouldn't that be interesting? Wonder what our tech overlords would do if the pomo-progs were so foolish as to go after them? It'd be pretty interesting...


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