Sunday, June 20, 2021

The AMA Joins The Cult Of Woketarianism

So this would be astonishing if it weren't so predictable. Doctors and medical organizations have been jumping on liberal and progressive bandwagons for years now--from gun control to BLM. And elite institutions just keep falling to this nonsense. They almost certainly don't understand the issues. They're just hopping on another bandwagon. I don't get it. It takes only a little bit of thought and a modicum of independent-mindedness to see through it. But the bandwagon effect is, I suppose, even stronger than I always thought it was. 
   Supposing we at least partially recover from this plague of madness, remember this. Remember how readily the alleged "elites" and progressives fell for a pseudoscientific, quasi-religious political cult. 
   This AMA think is especially a matter of concern when combined with the medicalization of everything / medical mission-creep. Their M.O. is basically to take whatever subject it is that they want to hold forth about, note that it affect humans in some way, ergo it might possibly affect their health in some way--then to argue that that makes them authorities on the subject something something something hand over some more of your unhealthy freedom and vote Democrat. 
   And, of course, one of the first things that people and groups do once Wokefied is to go after the expression of politically incorrect ideas.
   We're surrounded by morons and sheep. Worse: cultist morons and sheep. Worse: they control all of our "elite" institutions. And the pandemic of political correctness shows few signs of slowing down. The liberal-conservative alliance has, IMO, been impressive--it's geared up faster than I thought it might. So there's that. But as the morons and sheep who apparently control our elite institutions continue to accept diversity Jesus into their hearts--apparently without understand a damn thing about what they're accepting--the future of America...and therefore the West...and therefore the world...just keeps looking bleaker and bleaker.


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