Sunday, May 23, 2021

Nicole Hannah-Jones Was Not "Denied Tenure" By UNC

I mean, the usual low-grade lefty outlets like HuffPo, Vox and's understandable that they don't know the first thing about academia. But you'd think that places like NYT could scrape up somebody who knew what they were talking about.
   To be denied tenure is to: be hired into a tenure-track job, do your damn job for about five years (or however long you negotiate the tenure clock down to), then be turned down (usually: for promotion to associate professor). Then you have to go find another job.
   Hannah-Jones, recipient of all sorts of unwarranted accolades and prizes--e.g. a McArthur "genius grant" and a Pulitzer for her fraudulent "1619 Project"...was not on the tenure track at Carolina. She was simply offered--unwarrantedly--a prestigious endowed chair. Yes, that chair--obviously--normally comes with tenure. The Board of Trustees--God bless 'em--withheld tenure from the deal. They'd have been warranted in blocking the offer entirely, IMO. Imagine the REEEEEEEEEing that would have ensued...
   Hannah-Jones doesn't deserve the position. The Board is being accused of letting politics intrude on academia....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Imagine saying that with a straight face. Academia is almost nothing BUT politics now. And the left is unused to encountering any barriers to its march toward complete subordination of academia to their dogmas. She's only being given the chair because of politics. The Board is merely saying, roughly: Hey...we're going to put some restrictions on your purely political decision...
   Apparently Hannah-Jones can go up for tenure more-or-less normally. A bit embarrassing for someone occupying an endowed chair...but nobody in the world would turn down such a deal...


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