Sunday, May 16, 2021

Loury and McWhorter On The Trayvon Hoax

Loury and McWhorter both say that they were going to do this show before they did, but didn't want to have to say what they're saying: that the Gilbert book/documentary raises real doubts about the Martin-Zimmerman case. One of them analogizes it to thinking you've seen a UFO--you really don't want to admit that, because you're a kook forever after. But also, you really believe it's true... My redpilling came earlier than theirs, I think. So by the time the Gilbert investigation rolled into my sphere of awareness, I'd already reconciled myself to the fact that there were all kinds of unsayable truths. The progressive left has gone so crazy that there are lots of true or at least reasonable things that you're not permitted to say. That is: you'll get excommunicated and hounded and categorized as a racist.


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