Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Transgenderism Fad: Reverse Satanic Panic

I've said this before, but: 
The transgenderism fad is, in certain ways, like the Satanic Panic. Like a mirror-image of it. Both started off with some few people making up an obviously false and crazy story. Then the authorities got into the act--and everything went to hell. In both cases, the authorities took the crazy story seriously--something no sensible person would ever have done. In the Satanic Panic, the authorities went looking for superstitious child-mutilators. In Trans Panic, the authorities do the child-mutilation themselves. In the SP, no children were actually mutilated--but the lives of many innocent people were destroyed. In the TP, again it is the authorities who are ruining people's lives--the lives of children and of their parents. Parents are not allowed to object--in some places, they can go to jail if they object. Again: they can go to jail for objecting to the brainwashing and mutilation of their children. In the SP, the superstition is hypothetical--believed only by cultists--who are themselves purely hypothetical. In fact: non-existent. In the TP, the superstition is real--that is: believed by actual people. In fact: it is the semi-official metaphysics of the progressive left: social constructionism. In its strong, metaphysical version--social creationism--social constructionism is pure bullshit. But, of course, it survives, like so much of leftism, on the motte-and-bailey maneuver: there is a strong version, used to amaze the masses, and a weak version, used for more sober purposes. Like rebutting criticisms. In fact, the weaker version comes in several flavors. One is: society sometimes makes things up, and transmits false beliefs. Wow. So radical. Another is: there is such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Are you not amazed?
   Anyway. In both cases, it was the authorities that were/are responsible for most of the chaos and destruction. In SP, for their loony efforts to uncover sexual mutilation that obviously never existed. In TP, for creating and amplifying an obviously false theory--that sometimes children should be sexually mutilated--then actually executing the mutilation when delusional children do as they've been deluded to do. That is: requesting it. Oh and: threatening all who object with mobbing. Oh and: forcing doctors to participate. Oh and: threatening parents who hesitate to go along with it all.
   Note that now, in the Trans Panic, the authorities include left-wing academicians. Or: "scholar-activists" as many prefer to be called. They invented the superstitions that drive the current madness.


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