Monday, March 22, 2021

VDH: Progressives' "Follow The Science" Delusion

This is absolutely, positively, exactly right on target.
There's nothing I can really add, nor correct, nor anything else. 
   We are, in my opinion, facing a wave of utter insanity washing over the nation. I've seen more than a few political and social fads and developments and changes in my life--I won't try to list them all. Some, like the obviously dishonest dragging of the nation into the the second Iraq war, seemed utterly mad to me. The first bout of political correctness in the late '80s was such a tangle of lunacy that I could hardly believe my ears. The election of Trump struck me as a reductio ad absurdum of American democracy. (Not to mention the rise (and fall) of the "Moral Majority" and the religious right...and on and on...)
   But nothing that's come before can compare to the incomprehensible ascendency of the new wave of leftism / political-correctness. At least the paleo-PCs (being mainly postmodernist, with critical theory playing a merely supporting role) were honest enough to admit they had anti-scientific inclinations. Neo-PC puts critical (especially: race) theory at the forefront and relegates pomo etc. to supporting rules. Largely because of the Marxist roots of C(R)T, it tends to be pseudo-scientific rather than anti-scientific. But honestly rejecting science is far less bad (and less anti-scientific) than is the prope-Lysenkoist subordination of science to politics. And this time around they don't openly admit it; rather, they pretend that their pseudoscience is...just...y'know...The Science... That's the pinnacle of anti-science; it's the reverse (or, perhaps, inverse) of science. This is, IMO, the paradigm of David Burge's take on the left's M.O.:
    Identify a respected institution.
    Kill it.
    Gut it.
    Wear its carcass as a skin suit while demanding respect.
Well, anyway. 
I say VDH is right smack-dab on target, even by his elevated standards, and you should go read him.


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