Tuesday, March 23, 2021

So-Called "White Supremacy" Isn't Driving Anti-Asian Violence


Of course "white supremacy" is another progressive malapropism. White supremacists are Klansmen and the like--and there aren't many of them in the U.S. Progressives use the term when they mean racism by whites. It's hyperbole--yet another linguistic escalation, akin to their insistence that politically incorrect speech is violence. It's especially weird given that progressive orthodoxy says that only whites can be racist. But whatever.

Most racial hostility and violence aimed at Asians is apparently committed by nonwhites--blacks and other Asians. If progressivism were serious about its claims and terminology, their insistence on using 'white supremacy' here would make their claims particularly easy to refute. But apparently any kind of consistency at all is the hobgoblin of little, white minds... 

There's no sense grousing every single time about the fact that the progressive left puts dogma first, and then pretends that the facts either fit it or are irrelevant. One of their ad hoc hypotheses is that it's "white supremacy" or "structural racism' or whatever that causes non-whites to do any bad thing they do...  Such indiscriminate use of silly, untestable ad hoc hypotheses to save the main theory is exactly what makes pseudoscience pseudoscience. But this isn't science to start with...so...even worse.


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