Saturday, March 20, 2021

Jesse Singal And The Transgender "Cancellation" Tactic Of Accusations Of Sexual Interest

The PC left--and the transgender cult in particular--are winning the culture war so decisively that even this defense of Singal won't come right out and say what everyone who pays attention to this knows: that transgender culture warriors almost always deploy the same tactic against those who refuse to agree with their preferred "narrative." In particular: they accuse them of having sexual interest in or obsession with transgenders. Since (again, something everyone knows but no one can now say) most people find that thought repulsive, it functions as yet another method of deterrence: anyone who criticizes their wildly counterfactual beliefs will be publicly accused of sexual interests that they find repellant. This is the left's general ad-hominem/character-assassination tactic, of course--criticize any aspect of progressive leftism and you'll be accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, "transphobia," etc. etc. etc....the whole list, or whichever seems closest to whatever topic you're speaking or writing on. But it adds the a prurient sexual twist that makes it even more affecting and effective.
   This is what they did to Michael Bailey. It's what they did to Alice Dreger. It's what they do to everyone who questions them. There's no surprise here. The crazy left doesn't believe in reason nor rational discussion, they see free speech and open discussion as destructive liberal / Enlightenment / Western / male ideas. Hence they see all such disputes as power struggles in which they are always right and those who disagree are evil. They've thoroughly absorbed the approach of the hermeneutics of suspicion (often never even having heard the phrase...). Their worldview sees people like me and you as evil oppressors standing in their way, always motivated by the darkest motives they can imagine--or, anyway, it's convenient for them to pretend they believe it. (The doublethink is strong on the left.) 
   Blanchard's research indicates that many transexual men are homosexuals hoping that by representing themselves as women they will attract the attention of heterosexual(-ish) men. My guess is that the tactic described above is a kind of twofer for them: it's effective at silencing critics, and it conveniently coheres with their own sexual fantasies. But this speculation can be dropped and the above points all can stand on their own.


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