Thursday, March 18, 2021

President Of Milwaukee Drag Queen Story Hour Arrested On Seven Charges Of Child Porn

Well that is a surprise.
   Look, when I was young and stupid, I believed a lot of liberal fairy tales--that the world was certain ways because it would be nice if they were that way. All the repressed old guys who had repressed old ways of thinking were just uptight and afraid of unconventional ways of heterodoxy and change. Everybody should be allowed to do anything he or she wanted, and we should all resolutely, happily accept their quirky decisions and "lifestyles." In such a world, maybe it'd be true that men who liked to dress up as hyperbolic parodies of femininity and roll around on the floor with children are just like everybody else except for their atypical clothing choices. 
   In the actual world, however...I think you'd have to be a fool to expose your kids to such folk. It's like having cannibalistic neighbors who assure you that they're perfectly normal in all other ways and wouldn't hurt a fly...and letting your kids do a sleepover with them. ...even though see that they're in their back yard firing up the smoker and leering at your family. At some point, you have to grow up and realize that people give off warning signs. Not infallible ones. But conservatism is best in such cases. Sure, it's possible that the guys at DQSH are totally normal under their wigs and girdles and makeup. Some of them may well be. But such possibilities aren't enough when so much is at stake. There's a million things those guys could be doing in their dresses--but they've gone way, way, way out of their way to be around little kids. Now that I'm on the cusp of the cranky old dude portion of my life, I see--or think I see--that a lot of what cranky old dudes have been saying all along seems to have been a lot righter than previously thought.


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