Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Kevin Roose: Biden Can Solve Our "Reality Crisis" By Appointing A "Reality Czar"

This would be hilarious if it weren't so depressing--and so depressingly representative of the views of the progressive left. Today's left is the most deranged, disconnected-from-reality major political faction in American in my lifetime--with the possible exception of the religious right of the '80s. In this whole post, Roose doesn't mention a single one of the left's cracked, patently false or unproven views, nor any of its conspiracy theories. He mentions the Proud Boys, but never the much more salient gang, Antifa. He fails to mention climate apocalypticism, the view that racist cops are indiscriminately mowing down unarmed blacks, the view that America is made of "systemic racism," nor that its "real founding" occurred in 1619. He doesn't mention the supernatural view that men can become women and vice-versa simply by declaring it to be so, nor the myth that races are "socially constructed." There's no mention of Russiagate, which should be our new paradigm of conspiracy theories.
   Qanon is a nutty view, as is the view that Trump's "beautiful landslide" was undoubtedly stolen. But the contemporary right simply can't compete with the contemporary left when it comes to crazy, counterfactual beliefs. And, as I've said many times before: the left's myths and lies are all worse in the sense that the left has made them official myths and lies. Qanon is a joke almost everywhere that matters. The left's nutty theories are made into the cultural equivalents of--unquestionable--facts. From the perspective of the influential cultural institutions, they might as well be true. 
   But I'm getting tired of making these rather obvious points, and you're undoubtedly getting tired of reading them.

[Oh, and don't forget: there's no such thing as Antifa...there's no such thing as political correctness...there's no such thing as cancel culture... The bad things the left can't pretend are good they simply proclaim to be nonexistent. That's gaslighting with a blowtorch.]


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