Tuesday, February 02, 2021

COVID Nomenclature Follies: 'Brazil Variant' Is Also Fine...BUT NOT 'WUHAH VIRUS,' BIGOT!!!!1111

The mutations seem like a matter of genuine concern. Hard to say how much given the untrustworthiness and pervasive bias of the media...but things don't sound optimal, that's for sure.
   The nonsense about politically correct nomenclature is an idiotic sideshow...but since the progressive left started it, and wasted time and energy on it and fanned the flames of senseless conflict, and used the issue to boost the lie that Trump is a racist...I'll just mention that now, in addition to the "UK variant" and the "South African variant," we have the "Brazil variant." Naming (formally or informally) viruses and their variants after the places they were discovered was (1) totally fine, until (2) progressives, motivated by their hatred of Trump and bizarre new BFFdom with the CCP, decided that 'Wuhan virus' and 'China virus' were VERBOTEN, BIGOT. Now (3) such place-of-origin designations are totally fine again...though occasionally progressive sources will catch themselves and thinly-conceal this e.g. by chanting 'Brazil variant' to 'variant from Brazil'...technically a description and not a name! Bigot!
   This is a fairly superficial example of an insanity that goes deep down into the contemporary progressive left. This obsession with language, the loony commitment to interpreting everything said by their opponents as motivated by racism, the thinly concealed, mangled po-mo view that every interpretation is as good as every other, and the unprincipled, impressionistic, inconsistent judgments that nevertheless yield rabid, shrieking certainty. 
   Nobody's wrong about everything...but the contemporary progressive left comes awful damn close to it.


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