Wednesday, February 10, 2021

EVs Are The Lowest Climate Priority

With all due respect, that's not my understanding. From what I can tell, it's true that they don't do much good. But they're basically in a race to the bottom with almost every other progressive program and technology. Solar and wind are also more-or-less useless...but even they aren't in the bottom tier, because the Dems--as they often do--are using a largely-fake climate "crisis" as an excuse to do unrelated things they wanted to do anyway--head start, "community gardens," loan forgiveness and a whole slew of other utter nonsense that no sane person who genuinely believed the climapocalypse was upon us would even consider funding. Even worse are the counterproductive policies like ending fracking and retrofitting every building in the U.S. with extra insulation(!). That last one is utter fantasy...which is good, because it's also the most disastrously counterproductive thing on their brainless wish list.
   Policy ain't easy. I'm on the warpath not because I think it is, but because: while it's often hard to optimize such things and know exactly which policies it's best to pursue, it's easy not to be a bunch of dishonest, brainless shitheads pushing a list of fantastical and counterproductive policies on the basis of what more and more looks like a lie produced by the preferences and pathologies of the PC cult.
   I'm in no way opposed to looking at climate change objectively and setting priorities and spending money as necessary. And as I've said, the first and most obvious step is: build more nuclear. Here's another: find a replacement for bunker fuel in container ships--which is a kind of heavy fuel oil that's just shy of being tar. Cap and trade, even. I'm against it, but it's not a stupid idea--it's a smart idea. It could be a right thing to do--I won't bitch if we do it. Look into raising CAFE standards on internal combustion vehicles. We may be at the end of that road--but maybe not. 
   Eh. There's going to be a lot of stupid over the next two years at minimum...


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