Monday, January 04, 2021

WTH Is Up With COVID Vaccines?

One link of many.

So...only about a week ago did I read that the vaccines apparently don't affect transmission. Or, rather: at least they aren't known to affect transmission. As I understand it, what they do is (a) keep you from getting sick or (b) keep you from getting really sick. Which means...doesn't it?...that--supposing there is asymptomatic transmission--one might at least worry that what they're doing is making the problem worse in an important sense. We may be creating a bunch of asymptomatic spreaders. Now I'm starting to see fairly clear assertions that the vaccine won't change anything about batflu countermeasures. That is, if I'm reading things aright, at least some sources seem to be saying that we'll be expected to continue on slowdown, distancing, and face-diapers...nobody knows how long. Which can't be true. Though, if the states really are doing such a bad job of distributing the stuff...  Anyway. Reading through may of these posts--and not shitty posts--posts from e.g. the CDC...I can't shake the sense that they're being a bit cagey about it all. I mean...the fact alone that even I, news junky that I am, just recently found out that the thing doesn't prevent transmission (because, let's be honest: that's what we now are warranted in believing)...that's weird, man.

This whole fiasco has been marred by dishonesty. 


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