Saturday, November 07, 2020

Evidence Mounts Of A Stolen Election

 Four years ago, I'd have laughed at this. Now, post-Russiagate, Russiagategate, and the coverups...and after four years of truly unbelievably blatant lying about Trump (and everything else) by the mainstream media...only rabidly partisan Democrats and the truly gullible can dismiss such concerns. In my gut, it's still hard to believe any of this could have happened...and yet most of it undeniably did. The only question that's currently open is: would a party that's lost its mind commit voter fraud if it thought it could get away with it? Because it has ample evidence that it would get away with it. Who's going to investigate it? The MSM? [laughs] The MSM not only failed to mention that Russiagate was a truly laughable, sophomoric, bad-fiction-level conspiracy was, itself, one of the conspirators. Then it not only failed to investigate said hoax when evidence that it went all the way to the top actively covered it all up, declaring it a "conspiracy theory." And then became a pure propaganda institution to elect one of the conspirators. What planet do you have to be from to think that this cast of characters would not--on account of their great virtue and patriotism--stoop to altering a few ballots here and there in order to stop bad Orange Man? This is a faction that has so lost its mind that the thinks that men can become women by merely saying so...and that this is so undeniably obvious that anyone who denies it must be ruined. This is a faction that is completely detached from reality. A faction that kneels en masse to proclaim their white sinfulness because that's their new politico-religious fad...and politico-religious fads rule their lives. You think a faction that has proven itself to be rife with and led by such true believers wouldn't lose or "find" a few votes here or there to help bring about their dystopian utopia? Honestly, that's just ridiculous.


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