Friday, June 12, 2020

Why Have Conservatives Been Consistently More Right Than Progressives Recently?

It's been so consistent that I don't think it can be chance--the WuFlu shutdown/lockdown issue is just the most recent example. Conservatives were monumentally right about Russiagate--and they aren't done being right about it yet, given that they seem to me to be on track to also be right about Russiagategate/Obamagate. In fact, the PMSM's refusal to even take the investigation seriously is yet another monumental error--or so it appears right now. I'm inclined to think that they were pretty much right about impeachment. They were righter about the related questions of WuFlu severity, shutdowns/lockdowns, and unshuttingdown. They are currently much, much righter about police racism and violence. And riots. The left has completely lost its mind about these things. They're as wrong as they could be. They are completely detached from reality with respect to these issues. The Post is even illegitimately going back and revising its police shooting database to make them look less ostentatiously wrong. Conservatives pretty much know what's what. Even several Democratic presidential candidates seemed to be under the impression that Michael Brown was murdered by police. How is anyone--let alone a candidate for president--unaware of the results of that investigation?? That's not an ordinary degree of wrongness. And no one familiar with even the basic statistics about police shootings can think that the left's hysterical reaction is even vaguely rational.
   What explains this? Well, we already know that the left has gone radical, and that has imprisoned itself in extreme political correctness. You can go to progressive/leftist sites and read the comments. They take place within the narrow constraints of permissible discussion according to the progressivism of the instant, and presuppose the vast number of now-obligatory doctrinal dogmas. Discussion at conservative sites is much more open, honest, and rational, and far less constrained by doctrinal delusions. I imagine that more centrists than usual have been driven to those sites as well.
   In short: conservatives are currently more inclined to inquire openly, consider unpopular, counter-doctrinal possibilities, and draw unpopular and unexpected conclusions. The left now marches basically in lockstep, tends to predetermine its conclusions, to shout down dissent rather than taking it seriously, and to ostracize dissenters. If they weren't currently a lot righter than the left it would be astonishing.*
   Also, perhaps, as I think Sowell says: conservatives tend to be more like just a group of people living their lives in the ordinary ways--they're not usually really a political faction. The left is a faction--or collection of factions--seeking to overturn the ordinary ways of doing things. And now: it's basically become a quasi-religious cult.
   Oh, also forgot: remember how significant elements of the left assured us that Trump would be building concentrations camps and organizing groups of Brownshirts? Again: completely wrong. In fact it is, of course, the left that's got its army of Blackshirts. 
   Then there's transgenderism, about which the right continues to be much, much righter than the left. 
   And, though anthropogenic climate change remains too open an issue to count one way or another here, I'll bet that in ten years we'll be looking back and adding that to the list above.

* I initially decided to drop this, but: with respect to certain topics, like race, even many discussions on sites considered to be fairly far to the right are often more open and reasonable than discussions on mainstream progressive sites.


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