Thursday, June 18, 2020

Welcome, Citizen-Students, To Glorious People's Social Justice Institution Of Higher Re-Education; Or: See The Washington Monument While You Can, Bigot

Suppose there were an institution--like, oh, say a university--that was named for an actual slaveowner. Who owned, like a lot of slaves.
Suppose also that this institution had a smallish building named after someone who fought for the Confederacy, but who seems to have never owned any slaves.
Is it just me, or does it seem a little weird for the campus left to lose its mind over the hateword building name...while not uttering a peep about the fact that the whole freaking institution is named after a slaveowner? Who didn't even so much as free his slaves upon his death?
And look--why delay the inevitable? As we march bravely toward the Year Zero, the Committee of Public Safety and Social Justice isn't going to let things stand. The principles they've already imposed upon the country--whatever they are--clearly indicate that these other hatenames and hatefacts must be purged from our hatecountry's hatehistory. So let's get down to it! I've already got a few ideas for names, as you may have noticed.
(OTOH, there's more than a little bit of Southern/rural "erasure" in the anti-Confederate-monument movement. So who knows? To whatever extent that's really their motive, there may be a longer delay than I think between our current spasm of damnatio memoriae and the inevitable next one. Eventually, all will be purged! Only glrious memories of the politically perfect will remain!)

Completely unrelated sidebar: you might want to take the Victory Girls' advice and see the you-know-what while you still can. I'd link, but it's really weird how hard it is to find conservative stuff on Google...weird...)

See you in the Gulag, fellow citizen!


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