Thursday, June 25, 2020

Rahm Emanuel: "The Democrats' New Loyalists? Suburban Women."

Since this is Rahm Emanuel, and since it's a political hack writing this kind of article (or, rather: some sub-hack writing it and the super-hack affixing his name to it), and since it's in Blue Pravda, I conclude that this is more "aspirational" than factual. That is: it's not so much a report on a fact--that suburban women are firmly Democrat--but an attempt  to make something a fact: an attempt to convince suburban women to be Democrat(ic). More precisely: an attempt to convince them that they already order to convince them to be.
   Trump is virtually engineered to turn off suburban women--or so I'm led to believe by what I'm led to believe about that group. But I'm also led to believe that they value security. So I'm led to expect that it's going to be a battle between Trump's crass, repellant asshattery and the threat to security posed by the blue team's totally peaceful social justice riots for peace and justice...and the argument that the rioting, looting, arson, violence and murder associated with them show that we need fewer cops.
   Unfortunately, college-educated suburban women have been through four years of elite reeducation, and, so, are particularly susceptible to the white guilt strategy, the quasi-religious kneel-o-ramas, and so forth. Or, again, so I'm led to believe. And that religion is, as we know, a super-powerful force.


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