Friday, June 26, 2020

Biden Would Mandate Wearing Masks

Because "the one thing we do know, these masks make a gigantic difference." 
As I understand it, we don't know that at all.
I'm willing to wear them just in case--though I haven't been...
Or, rather: I would be willing if they hadn't become politicized, and this weren't so obviously just another dishonest ploy by the control-left to force their preferences on the rest of us. See: the idiotic insistence that everyone must share their aversion to "Kung flu." 
They make this stuff up as they go along, consistently mistaking their preferences and interpretive hunches for proven facts. And they looove telling people what to do...and they do not like to be disobeyed...
I'm sure Biden's base will cheer his announcement. There's nothing they like more than another excuse to for controlling the behavior of their political opponents.


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