Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Trump and "Treason"

I've noticed that he's been using the T word...that's exactly the kind of thing that I'd expect from him (under such circumstances)...and, IMO, exactly the kind of thing that indicates his unfitness for office.
   OTOH, his opponents have been using it on him for years.
   (Incidentally: none of these people seem to know what treason is.)
   Also: Trump's opponents aren't the president.
   They are permitted to say idiotic, psycho things about him.
   He is the president, and, as such, is not permitted to say idiotic, psycho things about anybody.
   They're largely--though by no means entirely--a pretty sorry and frothy lot. The T people, that is--the ones who think that their disapproval and fever dreams of collusion = treason. But such nutbaggery can't be what sets the bar. If you're anywhere near as crazy as the contemporary vocal left, ya really can't be president. And Trump is, in his own, slightly different, way, somewhere in that vicinity of dumbassery. The crazy left has provoked and provoked and provoked him--maybe worse, even, than the crazy right provoked Obama. Though Trump largely brings it upon himself, and Obama absolutely did not. Obama just kept on keepin' on, level of head and even of keel. Trump lost what little shit he had. Or may be losing it, anyway. God knows what'll happen if the left keeps the crazy turned up to 11. They may actually be spittle-flecked enough to turn Trump into the fascistic strongman of their fever dreams...
   Start with a pretty shitty guy who absolutely cannot be president. Plus: an insane political cult that has control of the culture. Give actual people the former as the only way of putting the brakes on the latter. So: the shitty guy becomes the prez. Which he absolutely cannot be allowed to do. This adds to the picture the complete loss of shit by the cult...and it then ramps up its ever-present shrieking of "racist!" and "fascist!" and "treason!" Eventually the shitty guy, being shitty, does one shitty thing too many, and the cult makes a push to remove him from office. Sorry, I mean: yet another push to remove him from office. What will the shitty guy do? Well...he's really shitty...and has no business there...and he's being pushed toward the ledge...and could just fall over it and act like an actual fascist. After all--he's shitty and he's being treated shittily. In large part (though not by any means entirely) insanely and unfairly.  And that's a dangerous, volatile combination.
   This is madness.
   Trump has no business being within a thousand miles of the Oval Office, as I may have mentioned, and he's proven that over and over again. The Dems and the left, however, are, IMO and once again, showing themselves to be approximately equally qualified. In many ways better--but in many ways much, much worse.
   What's scary to me is that so many people in my world radically exaggerate the--genuine, actual, in-no-goddamn-need-of-exaggeration--awfulness of Trump, while not only being completely goddamn oblivious to the insanity of the blue team...but actually thinking they're fucking good.
   This is a scary goddamn situation, oh my countryfolk. It's bad to say things like "this is Hitler vs. the Politburo," even as an obvious exaggeration...but...well...certainly at least Klingons vs. Romulans. Or the Borg. Or something.
   I'd feel a lot better if there were any indication in the cult's publications, the NYT, WaPo, and the rest, that the cult is a cult. And crazy as a goddamn pack of bedbugs... But the bedbugs are running the asylum. Or whatever. And printing the newspapers. So I don't really see that happening.
   Oh well, stay tuned. I see no even possible good outcome anywhere in sight.
   Though it's imperative to remember that I have no goddamn idea what I'm talking about.


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