Tuesday, October 08, 2019

The Trayvon Hoax

Forgot to mention I finished it.
Mostly it focuses on the--astonishing--claim that the girl who took the witness stand in the trial, claiming to be Martin's semi-gf, Diamond Eugene, was actually her half-sister, Rachel Jeantel. As Gilbert notes, this would have been easy enough for the news organizations to discover--if they'd cared. Instead, they were eagerly assisting a cast of shady characters who were out to screw Zimmerman and turn the case to progressive ends.
   The tale of dishonest, politically-motivated shenanigans was of more interest to me than the details of how Gilbert tracked down Diamond Eugene--but there are enough details about the former to make the book interesting.
   The real takeaway for me was that--as I had ultimately concluded--Zimmerman obviously was/is innocent, and Martin was the aggressor. Furthermore, he inflicted fairly serious injuries on Zimmerman. Martin was bigger than Zimmerman, much older and bigger than the picture the media chose to use (which intentionally made him look younger and smaller than he was at the time of the incident), and very accustomed to fighting. Also: quite into drugs and guns. Even the "skittles and iced tea" part of the story was false--with the actual details--unflattering to Martin--left out. There was enough evidence to figure out Martin's innocence even without the clear, eyewitness testimony that should have made the case open-and-shut--but which was obscured and downplayed by the media.
   Anyway, I say it's probably worth a read.


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