Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Why The Alt-Right / Dissident Right / Anti-PC Right Flourishes

This is a cringe-inducing tale of a kid who got "sucked into" the "alt-right" after being (allegedly) falsely accused of sexual harassment by a girl at his school. I read it a week or so back, so I've forgotten the details in the middle, but the real objection his parents seem to have is that he began questioning their progressive orthodoxy. He drags his mom to an "alt-right" rally at one point, and does get sucked into some bad shit...but, still, it's the questioning...the questioning!...that seems to bother his parents the most. Oh and: at one point he suggests to his folks that it's good for people to have guns in their homes for self-defense. Madness! Literally Hitler!
   The story is supposed to be heartwarming because, in the end, the kid ends up a progressive again, and...not making this up...the story ends with him (with a twinkle in his eye...) asking his mom if they can go to another alt-right rally...dun dun counter-protestors this time! In the end, the son learns to stop noticing things, and progressive suburban order is restored...


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