Thursday, May 16, 2019

Senate Confirms Trump Pick To 9th Circuit, But Feinstein, Harris Oppose Fellow Californian


Lee wrote in 1994 that gay people have a higher incidence of AIDS because they are more “promiscuous” than straight people. “Nine out of 10 people with AIDS are gay or drug users,” he wrote. He said he was “embarrassed” by that position during his confirmation hearing and that he had matured since then, according to the Hill. men are more promiscuous than straighties, no? (Modally more; partially, it seems, just because they're men.) Is that a hatefact now? Or have I been radically misled about the matter? And is it true or false that 9/10 people (presumably in the U.S.) are gay or drug users? I suppose that's roughly consistent with what I've been led to believe. If it's false, I'd be happy to be disabused of the notion. The Washington Times seems to suggest that he might be repudiating a different part of what he said...but I can't tell. There's no indication that what he said was false.
   This seems like a bit of a different story:

In another article, he questioned why a woman would continue working for a man who had assaulted her “just so she can hold on to a part-time job." In his confirmation hearing, he said at the time of the writing that he didn’t understand workplace dynamics, according to the Hill.
I dunno...the answer seems obvious to me now, but I think I recall wondering something similar when I was younger and stupider. It's not at all clear to me that this is the kind of utterance that makes one unfit to be a federal judge. I could be wrong...but, damn, I've said things waaaay stupider than that. Of course, I'm not fit to be a federal judge, though, so...
   The game is now played like this: if you ever said anything politically incorrect, you are unfit for anything, forever. But only if you aren't on the left. Of course, since what's PC shifts spastically, everybody's said a lot of things that are unPC. Especially everyone right of the extremist left. Ergo: no one to the right of the extreme left is fit for anything, ever.


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