Saturday, February 23, 2019

Lightsaber Officially Recognized By French Fencing Federation


Blogger The Mystic said...

lol... The rules require that you point the blade behind you before striking...


One thing six years of fencing taught me is:

A man with a rapier is FAR, FAR more dangerous than a man with any other melee weapon if armor considerations are disregarded. You wanna see a realistic swordfight in the movies? Check out Rob Roy. You can have your broadsword, your axe, your baseball bat, your katana, I don't care; give me a rapier, and you're a dead man. It's so much faster, you just stand no chance. The only competition is the hoplite spear+shield combo, but of course, if you're including shields in the conflict, it's a whole new ball game.

But when it comes to melee weapons and nothing else, as unexciting as it is, the rapier is the unquestionably superior choice. I'm the guy who grew up loving D&D barbarians. I was a bodybuilder in large part to emulate Conan the Barbarian. I LOVE that shit.

But if you really want to win an actual melee competition, and your opponents are not mentally deficient, you want a rapier or a sabre.

Hell, I remember my first sparring session with my kendo instructor. It was awesome. I had fenced for three years and wanted to learn the way of the Samurai. We suit up, he's all "come at me, bro", and I immediately thrust the blade straight into his chest.

He then "explains" that such a maneuver is "disallowed."

...and that is why I quit that silly, silly made-up martial art.

"Oh. Oh this is a fake sword fight. Nevermind, see ya later."

And that's what's being done with "light sabres" here. We already have sabre fencing, and it's legit. This is a joke.

I can't even get behind it as an idea that will merely get otherwise hopelessly lazy and disinterested-in-life children to move; sure, they'll at least be slightly less lazy, but they'll still be exactly as incompetent and, worse, more confidently so.

11:14 PM  

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