Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Fear And Loathing At The Polls

Wow, I don't think I've been so depressed at the polls...maybe ever. In '16 I was apprehensive, but pretty sure that HRC was going to win, and I still felt as if the Blue Team was keeping the PC crazies at arm's length...though I now suspect I may have been naive to think it. But, anyway, I was feeling pretty good. I've long had a somewhat higher opinion of HRC than many Dems have/had. I think she's pretty damn centrist, not unlike the Big Dog, and I think she'd have been a check on the antiliberal progressives.
   Anyway, no optimism this time. I split my ticket for the first time in quite awhile...which is fine. It's the way I was raised, actually, and, in some sense, my natural state. I've always been a little skittish about voting straight-ticket. Also, feels weird not to do any volunteering for the Blues. Also the Reds got a hold of my number somehow, and I'm getting texts from them now...
Truly this is a darkish, though not nearly the darkest, timeline...


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