Monday, October 01, 2018

The Evil "Alternative Influence Network" + The Race and Intelligence "Reductio"

Here's the left's latest attempt to discredit anyone who questions the progressive orthodoxy.
It also contains the race and intelligence "reductio" I was just bitching about the other day. You see, the "intellectual dark web" is bad because it contains Dave Rubin. And Dave Rubin is bad because he talks to Stephen Molyneux. And Stephen Molyneux is bad because he is a "scientific racist" because he thinks that the racial differences in IQ are genetic...which, we are told...:
has been shown time and time again to be bad science.
 Not just one additional Guardian link...but three additional Guardian links! I could hardly be more convinced if there were ten additional Guardian links!
   Actually, IQ is largely inherited. And racial IQ differences are extremely well-established. And the view that racial IQ differences are at least significantly genetic is a perfectly respectable view-scientifically, if not politically. In fact, unpleasant though we might find it, it's probably true. It's not "bad science"...unless you mean politically incorrect/non-Guardian-approved science. And I'm getting pretty sick of these attempted reductios that have the form: but if you believe p, then you must believe [this thing that is absolutely in play, scientifically speaking, but politically incorrect] p is obviously absurd/racist/evil!
   So this bullshit article comes down to this: people who refuse to bend the knee to political correctness are dangerous because people might listen to them, and some of the things they believe and seriously discuss are...likely true, but politically incorrect, so we're just going to pretend that they are known to be false.
   Yeah, you see, that's why we're better than you, Guardian/progressives: we discuss open questions, even if we'd rather that they not be open. We don't just whistle past the graveyard. We put reason first and politics a distant...well...not even second. We are playing in a different league than you are. We are right and you are wrong. And we will always win in the end. Because open inquiry wins out over covering your ears and screeching I AM NOT LISTENING TO YOU...
   The contemporary has gone insane.


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