Friday, October 05, 2018

Paul Sperry: "Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door Account"

Yeah, she's lying.
I've been meaning to rant more about this. But this information about the beach house seals the deal. She's renting out part of her house to Google there's a pretty good chance there's not even a way to get from one part of the house to the other. At least there's likely to be a locked door separating the two areas. Apparently this is a scam to get around zoning ordinances, retconned to accommodate the "memories" of being attacked by Kavanaugh. That's how I'd bet, anyway. (If I'm wrong, and she really was attacked, then I'll do my time in The Hell For People Who Don't Believe Sexual Assault Victims without complaint.)
   I didn't know the bit about her beach house--with no second door. Adding a new door basically requires a weekend and a sawsall. Or you can pay someone to do it for a couple hundred dollars. Well...depending on what kind of door they'd want, and because they live in a richy-rich area, let's say: a couple thousand. Chump change to them, I'm sure.
   But they never bothered to put one in.
   Because she's--very, very likely, at least--making it up.
   Furthermore: is this a known reaction to claustrophobia? If not, that's more evidence.
   And don't even get me started on the alleged fear of flying...


Blogger mjg235 said...

Why wasn't her renovation records more widely reported? They're verifiable evidence that has clear bearing on the case. Oh wait...

But one conclusion I'm coming to because of this is I don't think she ever mentioned this in couples therapy. The renovation began in '08, but we're supposed to think that confusion about the second door catalyzed her latent trauma in 2012 ultimately in couples therapy. So that's weird. But it also explains why she never produced the therapist notes (which probably don't exist at this point, but if they did exist could only have helped her even if minor details were inconsistent).

3:50 PM  

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