Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Air Conditioning Problem


I love air conditioning. I've lived all my life in states that are hot and humid in the summer, and I find it hard to live without a/c.

But man...we as a country really do have to do something about our a/c addiction. I'm repeatedly amazed by stores and hotels--the fancier they are, the bigger offenders they seem to be--that are freezing in the summer. We stayed at a Sheraton in Midlothian recently where our room a/c was set at 69 degrees when we walked into it. It was 102 outside, and freezing inside...and freezing throughout the entire, huge, sparsely-occupied hotel. The bed, I noted, did not have a sheet per se, just a big, thick comforter encased in sheets. So the idea seems to be: use the a/c to get the room so cold that you have to use a comforter...while it is 100 outside.

See, this is the kind of thing we could stop doing with no loss. It is stupid. We're not even really talking conservation here, we're talking about not doing things that don't make any sense at all, and such that the absence of them will not only not make us less comfortable, but will make us more comfortable.

And don't even get me started on the people sitting in their SUVs outside of stores running the a/c while someone else shops inside...  Jesus, we are a stupid people...


Blogger Random Michelle K said...

I totally have an AC problem. I can't sleep if the temp is much about 70. And colder is better. Yeah, the AC is set to 76 when we're home and awake, but I *despise* the heat.

I keep bitching that this is NOT what I signed up for, living in West (by God) Virginia. :)

On the other hand, during the winter house temps are set to 68 during the day when we're up and about, and 58 when we sleep. So at least I'm consistent?

9:15 PM  

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