Sunday, July 08, 2012

Martial Arts Voodoo


I love that we're told like six times that LIBRUL ACTIVISTS who have passed laws allowing illegal alien gangs and TERRORISTS to rule our streets are up in arms about this AMAZING COMBAT SYSTEM!!!111 And want it BANNED!

Also, it's SO EFFECTIVE that EVEN YOUR GRANDMA can become a killing machine JUST BY WATCHING THIS AWESOMEZT VIDEO!!!111111

Oh and: you only have a FOUR PERCENT CHANCE of successfully defending yourself even if you have a gun! LOOOOL  (Of course, you've got a zero percent chance if you base your self-defense efforts on crap like that you might want to get a gun and be happy with your 4%...)

What unmitigated bullshit. Not that anyone here would every take such nonsense seriously. But it does repeatedly amaze me that people think that you can learn to fight effectively by watching a video or taking a class or two. Would anyone believe that you can learn to hold your own in the average pickup basketball game by watching a video or taking two or three classes?

I once found myself in a discussion with a 50-year old, super-meek vegetarian dude who weighed like 100 pounds, and who was eager to tell me about his Aikido class, which, he claimed, had taught him so much that he was confident that he could win almost any fight. He enthusiastically told me about the awesomeness of his instructor. Her most amazing ability, as it turned out, was the ability to throw people without touching them. I tried to, very gently, explain to the guy that there was simply no chance that this was true, and that I was worried that he was setting himself up to get hurt if he ever did have the misfortune of being in a fight. (Actually: he'd get massacred.) To top the whole weird thing off, though I'm not a particularly intimidating-looking person, and though I was being super-duper nicey-nice about the whole thing, the guy actually started to look afraid of me. That really freaked me out. Very strange conversation...

Anyway. Don't fall for self-defense bullshit like that on the other end of the link. Learning to be good at chop socky takes lots of training. You've got to find a good school (which is kind of hard), avoid the bullshitters, and train quite a bit. It's not some magic power you learn in a day that makes you invulnerable forever. It's a set of athletic skills that require lots of training.


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