Monday, September 28, 2009

The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy...Theory

Looks like the Big Dog and the philosoraptor are on the same page on this one...though it's a pretty obvious point.

It's not really a vast right-wing conspiracy, though. I mean, for one thing, it's pretty much all out in the open now. There's nothing really secret here. The right-wing has its propaganda outlets which, aside from the occasional largely tongue-in-cheek slogan (e.g. "Fair and Balanced"), don't even pretend to be objective.

It's more of a vast right-wing conspiracy theory. Rather than engaging with Clinton or Obama on the issues, they generate insane theories and stories that allegedly make their evil manifest. Clinton was a rapist, a drug-runner, and a murderer who sold us out to the Chinese. Obama is a black radical/Muslim/Antichrist here to destroy the nation from within--and a Nazi and a communist to boot. (Personally, I think they should add anarchist to the mix; I mean...why not?).

The basic engines of insanity that mobilized the irrational right against both presidents are, IMHO, the same: a refusal to accept that even a moderate liberal can be a legitimate president, a refusal to accept electoral defeat, a refusal to consider the possibility that they might be wrong, and a lack of regard for actual evidence.

The fever swamps will probably go to DumbCon 1 over this, but they'd be a lot better off reflecting on their own logical sins. Clinton is, in the main, right about this one. But, of course, the very logical vices that caused the problem in the first place will prevent the people in question from engaging in the type of self-criticism they most need, and prevent them from taking the point.


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